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What qualifications do you need to become a counsellor?
Counselling Toolbox

Qualifying as a counsellor

There are many different qualifications you can undertake to become a counsellor. Choosing the right one will depend on your preferred modality and where you want to work in the future. Here we outline the main training routes...

By Kiku

Qualified counsellors on graduation day
Counselling Toolbox

Anxiety and the newly qualified therapist

Graduation time is here. Alongside the pride and jubilation, anxiety about stepping into the role of qualified counsellor is completely natural. Here we offer some advice on how to make sense of and manage these worries

By Sharon Zucker

Counselling for Trauma
Therapy Books

Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman

Trauma has a huge impact on our psychological wellbeing but its very nature can make it difficult to discuss in therapy. This book serves as a guide on how to support our clients through this process.

By Sharon Zucker

Payment games in the counselling room
Business Advice for Counsellors

Payment games in counselling

One of the key challenges when setting up and running a therapy business is the issue of money. We've put together an overview of the issues that can arise and how to handle them.

By Elizabeth Coleman

Allowing Magnificence by Susan Winter
Therapy Books

Allowing Magnificence by Susan Winter

Many of our therapy clients ask “How can I get the life I want?” and “Why are these things happening to me?” This book offers a first step on the path to answering these questions.

By Jade Donnelly

Therapy Planner: Appointment calendar for mental health professionals
Business Advice for Counsellors

Managing your clinical schedule

Being able to manage your clinical diary as efficiently as possible is crucial to being a successful counsellor who keeps track of and grows their private practice.

By Elizabeth Coleman

Coping with trauma related dissociation by suzette boon
Therapy Books

Coping With Trauma-Related Dissociation by Suzette Boon et al

Dissociation can be one of the most tricky and unnerving issues to work with. This book provides an excellent guide to help.

By Sharon Zucker

The benefits of practice management software for counsellors
Business Advice for Counsellors

Why do counsellors use practice management software?

Practice management software can be integral to the success of your counselling business. Here's how...

By Dr Rhian Lewis

The luminous landscape of the afterlife by Matthew McKay
Therapy Books

Luminous Landscape of the Afterlife by Matthew McKay

In this age of existential crises, death anxiety is coming more and more into the counselling room. How can we help?

By Jade Donnelly

Business plan for counsellors
Business Resources for Counsellors

Creating a business plan

A business plan can be a great way to order your thoughts and get clear on how you are going to run and market your counselling business, as well as support you to obtain investment later on.

By Dr Rhian Lewis

Setting up your Counselling room
Business Advice for Counsellors

Setting up your counselling room

This is one of the most exciting parts of starting private practice. Whilst we all have our own particular preferences, there are a few universals you can consider to boost your chances of success.

By Joanne Thornton

Qualifications to become a counsellor
Counselling Toolbox

Training as a counsellor: How to choose the right qualification

We're often asked what qualifications do you need to become a counsellor? There are many routes you can take on this journey. We're here to help you choose the right one for you.

By Kiku

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